Programa terres LAB – Congrés sobre Paisatge, Turisme i Cinema

All the conferences and round tables of terres LAB – Congress on Landscape, Tourism and Cinema will take place in the SB Corona Hotel in Tortosa.

Wednesday May 31th, 2017

8,30h. Accreditations delivery.

9,15h. Institutional greeting. Mr. Octavi Bono, Director-General for Tourism of the Government of Catalonia; Ms. Mercè Miralles, director of the Terres de l’Ebre Office of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Governemt of Catalonia; Mr. Martí Carnicer, President of the Tarragona province Tourist Board; Mr. Xavier Pallarès, Delegate of the Government of Catalonia in les Terres de l’Ebre; Mr. Ferran Bel, Mayor of Tortosa. Introduced by Núria Gil (URV Campus Terres de l’Ebre), terres LAB Coordinator.

9,45h. Conference. “Cultural imaginaries and the tourism”, by Dr. Maria Gravari-Barbas (UNESCO Cathedra, Université Paris 1 – La Sorbonne).

11h. Coffee break.

11,30h. Round Table discussion. “Landscape, Nature, Culture, Television”, with Xavier Brichs (TV3, Catalunya Experience), Alejandro Novella (Recomiendo Chile) and Norbert Porta (Sciencedocu).

12,30h. Round Table discussion. “The role of communication in the sustainable tourism”, with Elena Roig (Head of online marketing channels at the Agència Catalana de Turisme), introducing the paper “The way of facts: the best way to communicate commitment with Sustainable Tourism” and Joan Martín Masdéu (Institut de Desenvolupament de les Comarques de l’Ebre) introducing the project “Migratoebre”.

13,30h. Presentation. “”, by Santi Valldepérez (Executive Producer at Filmsnòmades).

16h. Round table discussion. “Tourism, Cinema, Destinations, Strategies”, with Eugeni Osàcar (CETT-UB), introducing the conference “Tourism films as a destinations marketing manager’s key”, and Pere Parramon (UdG) and Xavier Medina (UOC), introducing the conference “Big productions, tourism and urban strategies: Game of Thrones in Girona”.

Thursday June 1st, 2017

9h. Round Table discussion. terres LAB Showroom. Teresa Vidal (ENTI), Enric Ginovart (Incubalia), Pau Jornet (Ebredrone).

10h. Conference. “DEC BBDO – Global Tourism Observatory. Communication of Destinations. Trends & Best Cases”, by Eduard Baldrís (Executive Creative Director at DEC BBDO) and César Torras (Strategic Planification Director and Customer Services at DEC BBDO).

11h. Coffee break.

11,30h. Study cases. Find your Chile, by Yassin Velázquez (Executive Producer at Don Quijote Films and producer of the campaign Find your Chile) and Midi-Pyrénées-Grands Sites, by Catherine de Capèle (Production Director at W2P).

12,30h. Conference. “Estrella Damm, the Mediterràniament” concept, by Jordi Laball, Communication and PR at Damm.

13,30h. Presentation. “Tasting and texture of oil from ancient olive trees”, activity leaded by the Mancomunitat Taula del Sénia.

16h. Conference. “Twenty years is nothing: Ibermedia program or our way to tell stories, to cooperate and to build community”,by Enrique Vargas (coordinator of the Iberoamerican Cultural Scenario of Iberoamerican General Secretary, SEGIB)

17h. Conference. “Gastronomy in cinema and series as a development factor of the culinary tourism”, by Dr. Jordi Tresserras (LABPATC-UB).

17h45. Closing of the terres LAB Congress. Josep Felip Monclús, First Deputy Mayor and Councilor of Tourism at the City Council of Tortosa.