Terres Festival 2019 Schedule
13 d'agost
Travel Videos Screening (Asia - Africa)
19:30 Bar Cultural de Deltaic (Deltebre)
April 11th
Exhibition “Scouting in Catalonia”
10:00 Museu de Tortosa
April 16th
Exhibition“Good Morning Antarcticans” by Rubén Sánchez
16:30 Biblioteca Marcel·lí Domingo
April 18th
Screening. Selection of Awarded Films at Terres Festival (2017-2018)
19:00 Deltaic (Deltebre)
April 26th
Opening session of the festival. Film screening: “Water. The Source of Life”
20:00 Cambra de Comerç de Tortosa. Sala Valentin Faura
April 27th
Screening. Official Competition (Documentaries)
16:00 Cambra de Comerç de Tortosa. Sala Valentin Faura
Official Competition Screenings (Tourism films)
19:00 Lo Forn de la Canonja
April 28th
Official Competition Screenings (Tourism Films)
18:00 Lo Forn de la Canonja
Official Competition Screenings (Tourism Films)
20:00 Lo Forn de la Canonja
April 29th
Screening. Official Competition (Documentaries)
20:00 Museu de Tortosa (Sala Polivalent)
April 30th
Screening Official Competition (Documentaries)
20:00 Museu de Tortosa (Sala Polivalent)
May 1st
Screening. Official Competition (Documentaries)
19:00 Teatre-Auditori Felip Pedrell (Sala Petita)
May 2nd
TERRES LAB - International Congress on Audiovisual, Tourism and Landscape
09:30 Generalitat de Catalunya, Serveis Territorials Terres de l'Ebre
Screening Official Competition (Documentaries)
19:00 Cripta de la Reparació
May 3rd
“Belly Run” multiplayer game event
12:00 Plaça Barcelona, Tortosa
Award Ceremony
19:00 Teatre-Auditori Felip Pedrell (Sala Gran)
May 4th
Screening of the Winners (Documentaries)
17:00 Cambra de Comerç de Tortosa. Sala Valentin Faura
Screening of the Winners (Tourism Films)
21:00 Plaça de l’Absis
May 5th
Screening of the Winners (Special and Technical Awards)
10:00 Món Natura Delta de l'Ebre