Screening Official Competition. “Iceland, Puffin Sanctuary”

Iceland, Puffin Sanctuary. Guilaine Bergeret & Frederic Labie, 52′. França, 2022.

Original version subtitled in Catalan. (Subtitles in catalan made possible thanks to a grant from the Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies, ICEC).

Every year, after 6 months spent offshore, the Atlantic puffin returns to the Westman Islands, off the Icelandic coast. National emblem and tourist attraction, its fate nevertheless worries the inhabitants of the island, while for a decade now, couples have stopped breeding on the cliffs. Faced with this observation, a handful of enthusiasts are mobilizing to save it, because behind the story of the puffin, it is the whole identity of an island that could disappear.

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Sep 04 2022


20:00 - 21:00


Museu de Tortosa