A Fulfilling Journey, Yakushima World Heritage Hopping

Director: Tatsuhiko Esaki

Producer: Yoshiki Iwamoto

Producer Company: 81plus.inc


Client: Kagoshima Prefecture

Country: Japan


Yakushima was certified as a World Natural Heritage Site in 1993. Many tourists love the mysterious natural environment of the ancient times, such as Jomon cedar and Shiratani Unsuikyo, which is said to have been the setting for the movie "Princess Mononoke."

Thie video also features Amami Oshima, a group of islands including "Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, Northern Okinawa Island and Nishiomote Island". These islands have been separated and combined with neighboring islands repeatedly, and because of the unique geological history and valuable endemic species and endangered plants and animals, it was designated as a World Natural Heritage Site in 2021.

This video promotes a boat trip connecting Yakushima and Amami Oshima, and expresses not only the unique natural environment but also the culture, people's activities and the spirituality of the island.


In addition to the traditional promotion that Yakushima is a world natural heritage site, new content such as the island's culture, people's activities, spirituality, and recognition of Yakushima's sustainable ecotourism has been added to expand sympathy and gain tourism back to Yakushima post Covid.