Discover Winter Love on Holiday in Austria

Director: West4Media Filmagentur

Producer: N/A

Producer Company: West4Media Filmagentur


Client: Austrian National Tourist Office

Country: Austria


Winter Love is more than ice and snow. Winter Love is one of the best ways to experience holidays in Austria. It's the feeling you get when whizzing down perfectly groomed slopes on skis or a snowboard and doing elegant laps on a frozen lake amidst nature. When strolling through wintery towns, enjoying delicious Kaiserschmarren in a hut, and listening to the children's laughter over a snowball fight.


The aim of the video is to picture the emotions that a winter day in Austria brings with it: joy, fun, adrenaline, delight, cosiness, pride, happiness, being with oneself, love of sports, passion... and to fill the audience with enthusiasm for Holidays in Austria.