Taipei Marathon, The Day We Reborn

Director: Bruce Wang

Producer: Ray Wen

Producer Company: Favula Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd.

Agency: Favula Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd.

Client: Taipei City Government

Country: Taiwan


People have been wearing masks for years because of the pandemic, it?s been such a long time since people breathed freely in public places without a mask. Owing to the major success of controlling the epidemic, Taipei was capable for holding such incredible sport event. You can see people from all over the world joining the race, breathing in fresh air with smiles on their faces, it was the day we reborn.


To promote and document Taipei Marathon, welcoming worldwide tourists to participate this exciting sport event.
There were countless staffs working day and night to prepare this sport event, they began their work so early even when the sky is still dark, just to make sure all the supplies were well prepared through out the entire route. so not only did we film the athletes running marathon, but also the efforts behind the event.