Remixing Lapland

Director: Toni Kauppila

Producer: NA

Producer Company: Flatlight Creative House


Client: House of Lapland

Country: Finland


We do not wish to tell people about what Lapland is ? we wish to share the types of experiences Lapland produces. Lapland is full of opposites that trigger inspiration and imagination;
"Imagine having a crackling campfire warming your face while the frosty nature around is giving you a spectacle of northern lights. Or, take a moment of thrilling speed down the snowy hillside on your fatbike into total silence of vast landscape standing still. Can you imagine the sensation of ice-swimming after listening the stories of hissing stones in sauna?"


Remixing Lapland was produced to the moment when traveling was restricted and travel ads needed to address the stage while keeping the destination interesting in peoples' minds. The aim was to create content that would stand out and capture the attention without compromising the restrictions with aggressive call to actions or creatives that urge people to travel.