Oda. side-A, side-B

Director: Santa Yamagishi

Producer: Tadahiro Konoe

Producer Company: curioswitch Inc.

Agency: curioswitch Inc.

Client: Oda city

Country: Japan


"side-A" and "side-B" is a twin film, a parallel story taking place in Oda, a small city in Shimane, Japan. Both ?sides? stars Ayaka Miyoshi, an upcoming young actress who plays two different characters. The two visit Oda city for different reasons, both rather reluctantly and without any expectation. But in the course of their trip, they discover the beauty of traveling as they encounter the nature, people, food, and traditional culture of Oda. Although their paths never cross, the two stories are linked to each other through local traditional performing art ?Iwami Kagura?.


Our final goal was to make Oda the next destination for post-COVID-19 tourism. Oda city is full of historical attractions including Japan Heritage, and natural resources, such as beautiful mountains and sea, but not well recognized even among locals in the nearby area. Although we could have made a video full of spectacular scenery, we instead focused on the experience and local atmosphere of the city by casting local residents and shop owners. Throughout the video, there are only two actors: Ayaka Miyoshi and Kentaro Tomita.