Authentic Istria - Good Mood / Good Food

Director: Goran Nacinovic and Sanel Isanovic

Producer: Bianca Dagostin

Producer Company: Level 52


Client: Tourist boards of towns and municipalities from the area of Central Istria - "Authentic Istria"

Country: Croatia


The film takes the viewers on a journey across the Central Istria region. It starts with two tourists waking up on a straw bed. The film then continues showing various beauty shots of Central Istria: sunny mountains, fields with straw balls, the woods and others. On these sites, the viewers encounter local protagonists: truffle hunters with their dogs, grandmothers showing local recipes to grandchildren, shepherds with local breed goats, children who use hands for eating honey and strawberries in strawberry fields. There are also tourists investigating wine cellars, lying on the grass, eating in the middle of a vineyard, driving vans or bicycles through the picturesque region, or riding on the back of a tractor, in other words enjoying life. It shows the location where local food and products are cultivated and made. It connects the viewers with the local producers and people in order to raise the desire to come and visit Central Istria.


The film's goal is to present to viewers the Authentic Istria region and local gastronomy in order to attract tourists and visitors. The goal is to raise awareness and interest toward this region, its unique culinary and sensorial experiences. The film Authentic Istria - Good Mood / Good Food focuses on the local gastronomy of the region Central Istria. To escape the standard gastronomy videos, the film describes with video and audio the good mood encouraged by locally grown products and homemade food. In the film are presented specific local products such as truffles, wine, cripnja (cooking under traditional clay/iron baking bell), prcut (dried ham), cheese, honey, homemade pasta, Christs crowns (local sweets made of almonds), cukerancic (unique local pastries), oysters and others. The film also shares unique experiences tourists can have in the Central Istria region: sleeping on straw, driving through the picturesque landscape, trying fresh local food in the fields and on the boats, running in vineyards, drinking and eating with hosts etc. The impact is also increased with the original copywriting that in a "subtle" way suggests that food in Authentic Istria tastes out of this World. So the main objective is to create a good feeling through watching so that viewers can grow a special connection to the food and region of Central Istria. Original music was composed and recorded for the film.