Live el Garraf

Director: Guillem Martínez i Òscar Sánchez

Producer: NODE Garraf

Producer Company: NODE Garraf


Client: NODE Garraf

Country: Spain


As a road movie, the video presents a tour of different places in a place, apparently unknown to the protagonists. A couple will discover different corners and landscapes, both coastal and inland. Throughout the trip it shows the richness and variety of the territory, its natural spaces, its artistic and cultural heritage and its gastronomy with "Origin". Finally, they discover that much closer than they imagine they can feel at home. They are at the Garraf! 

Live, taste, feel.


The video was intended to relaunch and position the Garraf region in the midst of a pandemic. The shooting had a lot of difficulties, as it had to be done with all the restrictions of the moment. It served to be able to reach potential visitors through social media. It enhances the unknown places of the Garraf and the varied wealth of the territory, beyond the best known.