Just You and the Delta

Director: Albert Vidal Ribes

Producer: Albert Vidal Ribes

Producer Company: Vèrtex Creatius, SL


Client: Associació d'Empreses d'Ecoturisme del Delta de l'Ebre

Country: Spain


Ecotourism with deltaic essence is the innovative and transformative experience that is intended to be transmitted through this video. The audiovisual stands out for the amazing images of nature throughout the Ebro Delta, and others as unpublished as the interior of La Faroleta at Punta del Fangar, highlighting a territory whose main attraction is active nature, but also an extensive portfolio of quality services offered by ecotourism companies.

Active tourism, green routes, blue routes, culture and heritage, gastronomy and wine tourism, good rest... The combination of detailed plans of all these activities with some amazing scenes in drone view and the multiple shades of light in the course of the day, creates a very special visual atmosphere, warm and close, but from a fresher and more dynamic perspective thanks to the contrast created by the rhythm of the musical piece that accompanies it, creating a parallel with the sustainable, respectful stay , creative and innovative that can be enjoyed at any time of the year, and for all tastes and ages.


The video responds to a number of closely linked goals. This is a promotional video created for the brand new Delta de l'Ebre Ecotourism label, an initiative of the Association of Ecotourism Companies of the Delta de l'Ebre, with the intention of showing the wide and varied ecotourism offer of the Ebro Delta, thus contributing to positioning the Delta as an ecotourism and quality destination during the four seasons. The video, therefore, aims to raise awareness of the existence of an extensive offer in sustainable tourism in the Delta, and to stimulate the deseasonalized tourist demand with longer stays.