Ustka - Become the Master of Leisure

Director: Marcin Robakowski

Producer: N/A

Producer Company: MoonPhaseStudio


Client: Gmina Miasto Ustka (Municipality of Ustka)

Country: Poland


Summer is the best time for sports, active sightseeing and being close to nature. The town of Ustka is a spa resort, it has an excellent infrastructure, accommodation base, a lot of summer attractions and events, that is why the Holiday Champions choose Ustka. The film presents a wide tourist offer of the town and its vicinity. Our offer is mainly addressed to people who choose active holiday. The main characters of our promotion campaign are holiday champions. Who are they? Tourists who spend holiday in active, healthy and interesting way. That's why they choose Ustka.


The film shows Ustka and its main attractions in positive way. The film is a part of promotional campaign of Ustka as popular tourist destination.