Where the Pyrenees Touch the Sky

Director: Akash Dixit

Producer: Akash Dixit

Producer Company: Urban Fakir Films


Client: N/A

Country: Spain


Lockdown of 2020 locked our life down. We craved being out in the nature.

So, when the lockdown was lifted, we took our first hike in the Aigüestortes plateau. It is an itinerary of low difficulty but of great beauty, ideal for families with children. The joy Pyrenees brought to our children. A camera cannot do justice to the beauty of the place but what I attempt to show through this video is the positive impact of this breath-taking environment on the minds, bodies, and souls of little explorers.

My intention is to capture the parallel that between the authentic essence of childhood - fearlessness, Joie de vivre and innocence - to the impact that the untouched nature in this paradise - the trees, water, snow, plateau - has in invigorating our senses and rejuvenating our spirits. 

This is not an advertisement. This video is an invitation to experience the beauty of the place so magnificent, with the heart of a child. 

I hope after watching this video, you feel compelled to visit Aigüestortes plateau which is perfect for children, family, senior citizens.


This film is conceptualised, shot, and edited by one single person- Yours truly. 

It was my first hike to the Aigüestortes plateau  and I felt compelled to capture it's beauty and it's connection with the children through the lens of my camera.

If while watching this video, you feel immersed in the audio that captures the sound of nature, you smile seeing the visuals of unchartered joy of childhood and you feel mesmerised by the beauty of the location where the Pyrenees touch the sky, then I believe I have achieved the goal of the film in it's most authentic form.