Lightness that Inspires

Director: Carlo Guttadauro


Producer Company: Anam Cara Comunicazione


Client: Consorzio di tutela della Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco

Country: Italy


"Lightness that Inspires" is a journey of love between two young protagonists.
Alida is a young career woman on a business trip to Italy. Joe, a waiter, loves 'the beautiful game' and art.
She is so engrossed in her frenetic activity that she doesn't notice the offer of a glass of Prosecco DOC from our waiter Joe.
She does not know the world behind a glass of Prosecco until he puts her nose to the glass...
It immediately transports her to a World in which Nature is Art and Art is as natural as life.
It is a journey to the places of the Italian spirit.
It is a journey possible only in the company of Joe and Prosecco DOC and Prosecco DOC rosé.
Our woman, hard at first, has now rediscovered lightness, the one that elevates us above gravity and weight of existence, aware that a glass of Prosecco is enough to make us dream again.


To promote a land made of Art, Culture, Nature using Wine as a medium.