There's Always One More Degree in Pingtung

Director: Marco Q Wu

Producer: Philip Shih

Producer Company: MARQ Films


Client: Pingtung County Government

Country: Taiwan


2020 is a challenging year for the whole world. People put on masks due to the outbreak of the global pandemic. The connection and communication degraded on a personal and international level. The travel industry undergoes a significant loss.
Taiwan has been recognized as an elite force fighting the pandemic. Domestic travel still has great potential. We create a commercial that not only promotes the Pingtung country but also inspires Taiwanese citizens.
Pingtung resembles Taiwan, culturally and environmentally. MARQ Films scale up the idea to the national level. One can have a peek at the whole of Taiwan just from Pingtung. We take advantage that Pingtung is the most southern county in Taiwan. The temperature is always (at least) one more degree. Therefore, Pingtung has one more degree of passion and hospitality.
We remind the audiences that we can still interact genuinely, even during the pandemic.
The commercial aired in September 2020. Pingtung, as the most distant county from Taiwan's capital Taipei, became a hot topic. Pingtung county's press release after September often includes "one more degree" as a slogan. Kenting (the most famous Pingtung tourist destination) got a 10% increase in monthly visitor counts in October (compare to the same month last year, which was without the pandemic).


To evoke tourism interest from target audience.