The Ideal Tramontana. The Heartbeat of the Costa Brava (La Tramuntana Justa. El Batec de la Costa Brava)

Director: Josep Puigbó i Valeri

Producer: Salvador Solé

Producer Company: Undatia Comunicación

Agency: Undatia Comunicación

Client: Fundació Jordi Comas Matamala

Country: Spain


After the serious crisis in the tourism sector, caused by the global pandemic, different personalities project into the future formulas that should help the sector, and the Costa Brava in particular, to do things differently even from how they were done before the health crisis.

It is a documentary with a transversal vision on the future of tourism and the Costa Brava, through various multidisciplinary views, with the late tourist entrepreneur Jordi Comas Matamala (one of the main players in the sector in Catalonia) as the common thread.


A reflection on the future of one of the engines of the Catalan and Spanish economy, currently at risk, with sustainability as its central axis, based on the example of one of the pioneering tourism entrepreneurs on the Costa Brava.