Living It Together

Director: Marco Calábria, Bruno Nishino, Leandro Miranda E Alcides Da Costa Júnior

Producer: Eureka Filmes

Producer Company:



Country: PT


I received an invitation to participate in a very cool project here in Europe.
Tourism and Film Festival in the City of Torres Vedras, 30 km from Lisbon.
In short, a script was made, but I was given only part of it to be produced, because to my surprise, the ""protagonist"" would be me.
They agreed with me to film each other since the first meeting at Guarulhos airport in order to make a very cool making of to present at the end of the work.
When we finished recording on Wednesday, Leandro (friend and director of photography) called me to do a tour in Lisbon. Meanwhile, Marcão and Bruno were editing in the hotel hidden from me. They sent a movie that wasn't what was presented at the Festival for me to guess. I talked about some changes that I thought, but there was no time to see the final video.
I arrived just in time for the presentation.


Promote Torres Vedras, Portugal