Seeing Differently

Director: Chikahiro Hanamura

Producer: Chikahiro Hanamura

Producer Company:



Country: JP


The film consists of 3 different settings. All focus on the situation in public space: on the street, in the temple, and at the market. The first half of each settings scan over tourists and locals behavior in the scene. Then, a man with monocular appears and decides to see what those people are thinking. Latter half rewinds the scene adding the real thoughts of tourists and locals.


Overtourism is becoming a serious issue. Japan is no exception. Currently in Japan, problems are recognized as a violation of manners by foreign travelers, and local residents feel uncomfortable with their behavior. Advertiser, KANSAI Tourism Bureau, decided to produce films on the issue. Director, Hanamura, highlights to encourage both tourists and locals to become aware of their perspectives and to get into rethinking our own behavior.