Sau: la memòria submergida

Director: Ot Burgaya

Producer: Martí Roviró

Producer Company: EL 9 TV


Client: La Xarxa

Country: Spain


Where is the memory when the water swallows everything? Sau is a fossil of lives and stories anchored in time. When the level of the marsh drops, the ruins of an old bell tower and the remains of a village emerge. A little further, there is the dam wall and a colony on top of a hill. Places that are intimately related and live in the memories of the people who lived and worked there more than sixty years ago.

Through the eyes of its protagonists we revisit a landscape that no longer exists. Stone and wind. Spaces of memory that bring us closer to a little-known story: that of the Pantanaires of Sau, the workers who arrived from the south of Spain - some alone and others with their families - and raised the dam of one of the today's most emblematic reservoirs.

Félix Jurado Ramos was one of these workers and thanks to the memories he left written before he died, we know first hand one of the darkest chapters in the history of the swamp: the working conditions of the workers. They lived in barracks, put up with grueling days, received derisory wages and, some of them, died due to work accidents that the Franco regime wanted to hide.

At the same time, the inhabitants of the village of Sant Romà de Sau - known for its bell tower - left the area before the entire valley was flooded. More than half a century later, the memory of that time still lives on. Until the water, perhaps, erases the memory forever.


Un documental de memòria històrica, però sobretot de justícia. Tothom conèix el campanar de Sau i l'embassament, però molts pocs saben com va ser construida la presa. Qui va construir aquesta obra, en quines condicions i quin impacte va causar al poble antic de la Vall de Sau. Múltiples obrers hi van deixar la vida, i ningú se n'ha preocupat. A través de testimonis directes, la recuperació d'una pel·lícula de l'any 53 restaurada a 2k per aquest documental, i les memòries d'un dels obrers que van treballar a l'obra, el documental fa aflorar la memòria submergida de Sau.