Zagorje - fairytale at hand

Director: -

Producer: Martina Belina

Producer Company: Balduči film d.o.o.

Agency: N/A

Client: Krapina Zagorje County Tourist Board

Country: Croatia


Head on an unforgettable journey through evolution, starting from the Big Bang and the formation of planet Earth. Meet the prehistoric man from Krapina who left his indelible mark on the hill of Hušnjakovo. Read the emotions from the faces of hyper-realistic sculptures of Neanderthals and compare their morphology with present humans on interactive installations. 

The Krapina Neanderthal Museum, one of the most sophisticated and modern museums in Croatia, eliminates the time barrier between the present and 130 thousand years ago.This museum is part of the Museum of Hrvatsko Zagorje, which is also composed of the Museum of the Peasants’ Revolt in the Oršić Castle in Gornja Stubica, the Antun Augustinčić Gallery in Klanjec, the Folk Village in Kumrovec - the only traditionally designed space in Hrvatsko zagorje, and Veliki Tabor - a castle near Desinić. Here you can hear the legendary tragic love story of Veronika of Desinić and Frederick II, Count of Celje. The unfortunate young woman was killed by Frederick's father and her body was walled up in this unique medieval castle.

Hrvatsko zagorje is a magical place full of wondrous scenery and castles, and because of its rich cultural heritage it was chosen as one of the five Croatian finalists for the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) project, for the theme “cultural tourism".
One more thing! You do not have to be a lover of cultural tourism to find something of interest in this part of Croatia. If you enjoy relaxing in a wellness oasis or you prefer an active vacation, Hrvatsko zagorje - a fairytale in the palm of your hand is definitely ideal for you and for your family too.


Promote Krapina Zagorje Region as an all year destination for Rural and Cultural tourism.
Promote the traditional and heritage.
Promote the diversified tourist offer within Zagorje ...
Promote Zagorje as a privileged territory to live and visit.