Romaria d'Agonia

Director: -

Producer: Flávio Cruz

Producer Company: Ponto de Vista - Produções Audiovisuais and Golpe Filmes

Agency: N/A

Client: VianaFestas - Associação Promotora das Festas da Cidade de Viana do Castelo

Country: Portugal


"There is a heritage to be passed on. And a story to be told.
(…) This is why … We are all Romaria!”
A film that speaks of memory and future. It speaks of the city of Viana do Castelo, where one of the world’s greatest tradi?onal fes?vals (Romaria) occurs. During August, the city is filled by millions of visitors that have missed it and that want to live one of the most intense Portuguese fes?vals.


This film portrays the sense of community lived in Viana do Castelo, since, every year, people feel the need to work together and prepare the greatest “Romaria” ever, and fill the streets with colour and joy. It highlights the people that “shape” and fully live the “Romaria da Senhora da Agonia”, also portraying what makes it so unique.
When we talk about “Romaria”, we don’t only talk about present genera?ons, we talk about them all, as if a thread connected us from the past to the future.