Voices from the Scarecrow Village

Director: Massimo Burhanuddin

Producer: Massimo Burhanuddin

Producer Company: MB


Client: Massimo Burhanuddin

Country: Japan


When a foreigner visits a village in the sky where time has stopped, the memory of the person who shared the journey with the scarecrow who welcomes him is kept in the village softly.Just to mark that time as eternity.


I visited Iya Valley with my friend last year. We had the time of our
life. It was only the two of us. I documented our travel around Shikoku.
 After our trip to Shikoku, we came back to Tokyo and we went our
separate ways. I have never seen her since, and she never had the
chance to see this video. With this video, I hope besides promoting the
Nagoro "Scarecrow" Village, I can reach her out somehow. The poem
represents my feelings towards her after our trip but at the same time,
it also symbolizes reaching out to people from far away to see the
Nagoro "Scarecrow" Village.