Your Holidays Alphabet

Director: Vicenç Asensio

Producer: Marta Puigsegur

Producer Company: Visual 13


Client: Ajuntament de Calonge i Sant Antoni- Oficina de turisme

Country: Spain


The focus is a woman, Núria, and Calonge i Sant Antoni. What we want to show is another way of having fun and enjoy in Calonge i Sant Antoni. With our tourist videoproduction, the viewer discovers Calonge i Sant Antoni through the 10 different letters that form its name.With the 10 letters of C-a-l-o-n-g-e-i-S-a-n-t-A-n-t-o-n-i, that each one are associated with a word with value, adjectives....and transmit interesting things when you are on holidays. With the aplhabet we try to show how fantastic can be a day in Calonge i Sant Antoni, and it shows exclusive sites, gastronomy, the sea...


Attract visitors in our municipality and show different places of Calonge i Sant Antoni with another view.