Mashatu Game Reserve- 31000 hectares, 76 000 acres of Pure Wilderness

Director: Wim Vorster

Producer: Magdel Vorster

Producer Company: Wild Web Africa Productions


Client: Mashatu Game Reserve

Country: Botswana


Mashatu Game Reserve is known as "The best kept secret in Botswana", however, having lost all bookings from March 2020 and into 2022, this reserve needed to be put on the map, now more than ever. Mashatu offers some of the most diverse landscapes and wildlife in southern Africa and this screenplay attempts to showcase that. The screenplay shows the seasonal transitions and the change in animal behaviour with the arrival of the summer thunderstorms, but it also shows just how many different species call this reserve home. Not only the desert species, but birds, the largest herds of elephant on private land in Africa and daily sightings of the big cats.


During the pandemic, the SADC governments closed all the borders and travel came to a complete standstill. Our area and its people were devastated by this. Mashatu continued to employ all 220 staff throughout the pandemic, but when we were allowed to reopen in April 2021, we needed something to really remind everyone out there, that Mashatu is open. The goals included moving Mashatu to a top-of-mind position for current and new supporters, as well as to encourage local SADC residents to visit the area, especially Botswana citizens. Through visual content, prospective guests are transported to the reserve and captivated by all it has to offer. This assisted in putting Mashatu "on the map" as a productive and highly sought-after Botswana destination.