Two Deaf Travellers

Director: Raabia Hussain

Producer: David Ellington

Producer Company: VS1


Client: BSL Zone

Country: United Kingdom


Two young Deaf filmmakers document the challenges and discoveries that they come across on a journey.
Two Deaf travellers discover three different countries, exploring their cultures and national identities. Their task is to face the challenges of independent travel without any BSL interpretation.
They will identify communication issues and access barriers; they desire to travel beyond their comfort zones and to be able to tackle any travelling issues they encounter.
Made by Raabia Hussain and William Horsefield, working with David Ellington and Louis Neethling.


To improve the accessibility for Deaf travellers such as communications issue, language barriers and challenges. I believe this is an opportunity to open up the tourism film world. To gain a better understanding through the visual and to able to improve the service.