How to Winter

Director: -

Producer: Michèle Pfister

Producer Company: Switzerland Tourism

Agency: BOLD AG Kommunika?onsagentur

Client: Switzerland Tourism

Country: Switzerland


Explore the Swiss winter with our "How to Winter" series - an immersive service guiding young guests to explore the Swiss winter. "How-to" is probably one of the most searched terms on the internet. For every li?le problem there is an instruc?on, a solu?on or a hack. Our "How to Winter" videos explain how real winter holidays work. In addi?on to ?ps for a sustainable train journey, fun on the slopes, après-ski or relaxa?on, the tutorials also offer plenty of inspira?on and turn all guests into winter holiday pros. The campaign is presented by Marco Oderma?, the world's leading skier, world champion, Olympic gold medallist and our winter ambassador.


Our main objec?ve was to provide a service to the younger genera?on by showing them the vibrant experience of winter in Switzerland and how to enjoy it to the maximum. Building on last year's campaign, we are posi?oning Swiss winter in a sustainable way, emphasising the simplicity of an environmentally friendly winter holiday and revitalising its image. Long-term goals include a?rac?ng new, younger demographics. In addi?on, our focus on raising awareness of ride&slide (a special winter offer for young people) aimed to posi?on Switzerland as a fun, sustainable winter des?na?on.