Beach Sports

Director: Marc Cubells Ballarin

Producer: Joan Rion Segarra

Producer Company: VADEVER FILMS, S.L.


Client: Regiduría de Turismo de Torredembarra

Country: Spain


The Sports and Tourism Department of Torredembara share the wide range of water and beach sports organized during the summer season in the town.


La Regiduría de Deportes y de Turismo de Torredembara comparten la amplia gama de deportes náuticos y de playa que organizan durante la temporada de verano en la localidad.


The Tourism Department commissioned to the production company with an audiovisual piece to promote and encourage nautical and beach sports.


La Regiduría de Turismo encarga a la Productora una pieza audiovisual para fomentar y animar el deporte náutico y de playa.