Grand Train Tour of Switzerland. The Ride of a Lifetime

Director: -

Producer: Michèle Pfister

Producer Company: TUNA produc?on AG

Agency: WIRZ Group

Client: Switzerland Tourism

Country: Switzerland


To promote our touring offer - the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - we're invi?ng our target audience to join tennis legend and Switzerland Tourism ambassador Roger Federer and his co-star Trevor Noah on an adventure that promises to be extraordinary, even if you're doing it by chance. Things get off to a good start un?l the pair board a regular train rather than a specially prepared carriage. What follows is a deligh?ul escapade full of heartwarming interac?ons and breathtaking scenery, proving that in Switzerland you're never on the wrong train.


Our main objec?ve was to raise interna?onal awareness of Switzerland as an a?rac?ve travel des?na?on, highligh?ng in par?cular the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland. The campaign exceeded its ambi?ous targets, genera?ng an impressive 1.6 billion contacts. We also wanted to increase the visibility of our touring product through a global compe??on on The campaign achieved tangible success with a remarkable 59% increase in demand for the Swiss Travel Pass over the course of the campaign.