27Kdf2021 | Happy International Dance Day

Director: Albert Vidal Ribes

Producer: Albert Vidal Ribes

Producer Company: Vèrtex Creatius, SL


Client: Kalamata Dance Festival

Country: Greece


Slow motion images exposed at a dizzying pace, marked by an intense melody, first soft, then raw, in a sequence that presents the summary of the 26th edition of Kalamata Dance Festival, one of the few international cultural events held in 2020 because of the global pandemic by COVID-19.

The essence of the movement of dancers from around the world is captured in a video that celebrates the movement and documents one of the most special editions of this event due to the global context.


On the occasion of International Dance Day, give visibility to the most important dance festival in Greece and one of the benchmarks in Europe, Kalamata Dance Festival, as well as promote its 27th edition, which will take place from 16 to 25 July 2021 in the city of Kalamata (Greece).