Los ganadores de Terres Festival 2019


History and heritage – The dome of universe

Ethnography and society – Burkinabè Bounty

Biographies – Andrew Bona

Adventures, expeditions and routes – Objectif Sauvage

Sustainable tourism and ecology – Polarquest

Best Short Film – Aotearoa. We Are All Made Of Stars

Best Medium-Length Film – L’Aigua. Esclat de Vida

Best Feature Film – Patagonia Park. A Journey into the Wild

Comunicación Turística

Rural Destination – Inside_

Cultural Destination –  Catalonia, take care of yourself and take care of it – Long Version

Active and sports tourism, nautical, snow and extreme – Play your sport in Catalonia

Expeditions and adventure – Alice in 7 Wonderlands

Tourism Accomodation. Health and wellness – Seize the Moment – Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites and Spa

Events40th anniversary of Madrid Pride

Gastronomic Experiences and Enotourism – #AndTheFood isGreat

Promotional productions of Film Commissions and Film Offices – Portugal Centro Region

Authentic experiences, linked to the territory – Baja Norte. La conquista de tu vida – Long Version

Accessible and Responsible Tourism – The island with soul

Innovation – The Hardest Job

Audiovisual Content of Digital Platforms – Love Story by PPS

Tourism 3.0 – Legends of Catalonia

Tourism Destination – City (2nd place) – We Love Zagreb

Tourism Destination – City (1st place) – Insiders Guide to Riga

Tourism Destination – Region (2nd place) – Gran Canaria, Fairytale Island

Tourism Destination – Region (1st place) – Memories of a Destination

Tourism Destination – Country (2nd place) – Azerbaijan. Take another look

Tourism Destination – Country (1st place) – Meet South Africa – A story at every turn

Premios especiales y técnicos

Best Animation film – Borders

Best Production Design – Turismo Centro Portugal – Are you ready?

Best production encouraging respect among cultures / Unesco ePlatform – Madrid Embraces You

Best campaign – Instants by Visit Pirineus

Millor film turístic Catalunya – Vic, Slow City

Millor film turístic Espanya – El amor existe

Terres Pioneers – Georges Pessis

Grandes Premios

TERRES DE L’EBRE. Best film promoting sustainability

A Sustainable Journey


Insiders Guide to Riga

2 comentarios de “Los ganadores de Terres Festival 2019

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