#Reconnect2020: How Much Quality Time Do You Spend With Your Family Every Day?

Director: Guillermo Barberà

Producer: Roger Estil·les

Producer Company:



Country: ES


Stress and routine often make us forget about the most important things in life. Besides, screens absorb our attention and keep us away from our family, friends, partner and even from everything that really matters. Let's start enjoying the little moments that make life great!

Kiss more, hug your people, feel the sun on your skin, relax with the sound of the sea and notice the smell of freshly cut grass.

At Camping & Resort Sangulí Salou we are aware of the need to reconnect with the most essential of life, that?s why we want to show you a story that is stirring consciences. Watch the video!


Stress and routine often make us forget about the most important things in life. Besides, screens absorb our attention and keep us away from our family, friends, partner and even from everything that really matters. Let's start enjoying the little moments that make life great!

Kiss more, hug your people, feel the sun on your skin, relax with the sound of the sea and notice the smell of freshly cut grass.

At Camping & Resort Sangulí Salou we are aware of the need to reconnect with the most essential of life, that?s why we want to show you a story that is stirring consciences. Watch the video!